Ethical For Life is a one-stop resource for everyone interested in living a more environmentally friendly life. There is news and information about ethical and eco-friendly products and services that will benefit both you and the planet.
Wednesday, 7 November 2007
UK power companies fail to tackle climate change
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has claimed that the UK’s biggest power companies are failing to deal with climate change. In its annual survey, the WWF rated the UK’s top six energy companies in order of their attempts to tackle climate change. Top of the league came Centrica (owner of British Gas) for tackling carbon emissions and promoting energy efficiency followed by Scottish Power for having the highest investment in renewable energy resources. They were followed by E.ON UK, Scottish and Southern Energy, EDF Energy and finally RWE Power. EDF Energy and RWE Power had demonstrated the least progress in tackling climate change, but even the companies at the top of the list still lacked the vision necessary to combat climate change.
WWF’s head of climate change, Keith Allott said: "If you combined the best elements of Centrica's and Scottish Power's strategies, you might begin to see a real leader pushing towards a green and efficient power sector… The power sector's emissions have been rising in recent years and many companies are focusing on building new fossil fuel or nuclear stations rather than providing efficient energy services and clean renewable energy." For all their ‘green’ claims, the power companies are still not doing enough. Maybe consumer pressure would spur them on. If enough consumers changed suppliers to the ‘greenest’ companies, the rest would soon change their attitude to climate change.
Living in an ethical and environmentally friendly way is no longer reserved for eco warriors and green activists. The effects of rising global temperatures present a growing problem for all of us. The solutions for our world's problems have to come from all of us to be effective. It is not enough any more for a small minority to make changes, we all have to make changes. Climate change has to be a mainstream issue, something we are all concerned about and something we are all prepared to do something about.
Ethical For Life is geared towards providing news, information and reviews about anything that can help us to save our selves and our planet.
I am a full-time author and Reiki Teacher. I teach Reiki in London with my partner. Our Reiki website is As well as writing books on Reiki and spiritual growth I write about ethical and environmental issues. I am interested in ethical living both from the perspective of one's own health and development and for the benefit of our planet and its plant and animal life.
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