Ethical For Life is a one-stop resource for everyone interested in living a more environmentally friendly life. There is news and information about ethical and eco-friendly products and services that will benefit both you and the planet.
Wednesday, 18 July 2007
Energy firms want government money for carbon capture research
The main electricity generating companies involved in the development of carbon capture technology have asked the government to give them £1 billion to help with project costs. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is the process of capturing the CO2 emissions from large producers like power plants and then compressing and storing the CO2 in deep geological formations or in deep oceans. The technology to capture the CO2 exists, but the actual storage of the compressed CO2 is new and untested. This is the area energy companies want the government to invest in. Although this will eliminate around 90% of the CO2 from power stations, the process itself is energy intensive, costly, and will produce its own CO2 emissions. Whether CCS gives an overall reduction in CO2 emissions is still to be demonstrated.
BP has already abandoned its plans to build an experimental hydrogen plant using carbon capture in the North Sea due to government inaction. Other companies are threatening to do as BP has done and shelve their plans for CCS plants unless the government coughs up the money. Should the government, and by extension us the taxpayers, give money to private companies to carry out research that will benefit them and make them money? I suppose if the government doesn’t meet the costs of the project, the companies could always put their prices up to recover the costs anyway. Either way, we end up paying for the whole thing. It CCS actually helps the planet, then maybe it is just worth it.
Living in an ethical and environmentally friendly way is no longer reserved for eco warriors and green activists. The effects of rising global temperatures present a growing problem for all of us. The solutions for our world's problems have to come from all of us to be effective. It is not enough any more for a small minority to make changes, we all have to make changes. Climate change has to be a mainstream issue, something we are all concerned about and something we are all prepared to do something about.
Ethical For Life is geared towards providing news, information and reviews about anything that can help us to save our selves and our planet.
I am a full-time author and Reiki Teacher. I teach Reiki in London with my partner. Our Reiki website is As well as writing books on Reiki and spiritual growth I write about ethical and environmental issues. I am interested in ethical living both from the perspective of one's own health and development and for the benefit of our planet and its plant and animal life.
I am always looking for new ethical products and green news items to include on Ethical For Life. If you have any suggestions or ideas for future blogs please let me know by email. For any one that would like to write a blog you can email me the text with a suitable jpeg image if possible with your details and I will review and possibly post it on your behalf. Any blogs used will credited with your name and website/email details if you wish. Please note: there is no payment for submitting either information or blogs.
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